Friday, November 15, 2013

How long have you been putting off that car wash? Here’s how to make slacking look good.

If “Wash Me” is a phrase you find frequently scribbled across your Kia, maybe it’s time to change a few things.  Wait, before you put it off until next week-- hear us out!  Taking these small steps every now and then will get everyone off your back.

-Keep a trash bag in your car.  Don’t get us wrong, the garbage collection growing in your back seat is impressive…keeping all of it in a bag just works better if you have passengers.

-Knock your feet together before getting in.  If you’re tidy and you know it, stomp your feet! It’ll eliminate loose dirt and gravel before it even starts.

-Don’t allow eating or smoking in your car.  Leftover wrappers add unnecessary mess—not to mention the lingering smell, so squash the problem before it starts.  Keep in mind that it’s important to lead by example on this one!

Friday, November 8, 2013

Get into the spirit of giving... and get back!

It's that time of year again!   As in previous years, we are participating in the Toys for Tots drive to benefit the children of Hickory.  But this time around, you GET something for GIVING something!
Stop into our dealership (or any Paramount Hickory location) now through December 20th with a new, unwrapped toy to donate!  This year, when you help out the cause, we'll show our appreciation and knock 5% off ANY servicing need!
Now more than ever, the spirit of giving really does pay back.  Bring in your donations today!

Friday, November 1, 2013

Daylight Savings Time is just about over! What should YOU be expecting out on the road?

It's that time of year again!  Daylight Savings Time will be over on November 3rd—but it means more than just an extra hour of sleep on Sunday.   The imminent chill of winter also means a change in our daily routines.
After we "fall back" one hour, many of us will be spending a good portion of our daily commute in poor lighting.  Whether you're an early bird or a night owl, the darkness that settles in the winter air can be dangerous if you're not prepared.   Keep these things in mind the next time you're out and about! 
-Pay attention to your surroundings and avoid using your cell phone. While you’re zeroed in on the latest Instagram post, someone could be approaching you from behind.

-Avoid areas known to be dangerous. Whether you’re a lifer or a new resident, it’s important to memorize which areas of town have bad raps. Steer clear of the rough spots especially at night and when you’re alone.

-Be proactive about reaching your destination! Get directions before you leave your house so you don’t have to bother with the distraction of shuffling papers while you’re en route.

-If you get that creepy feeling that you're being followed, head towards a well-lit public place immediately. Muggers are less likely to attack when in highly-populated places because they are more likely to be identified.

Keeping these things in mind will not only make for a less stressful stroll through the city, it'll ensure you arrive at your destination safely.  Speaking of safe travels, have our techs take a look at your Kia  to make sure it's in perfect condition before hitting the road!